With additional post graduate training in equine dentistry, Dr Michelle is a qualified equine dental vet capable of providing gold standard care to your horse.

Using state of the art equipment including an equine ‘porta-safe-stock’ with inbuilt scales. Dr Michelle comes with postgraduate training from leading Australian & international equine dentists. Equine dentistry is her passion and she is excited to share it with you and your horse.

Dr Michelle is happy to travel, text or call to find out when she’s next visiting your area

To find out more about the benefits of using an equine dental vet or to find an equine dental vet near you click here .

What to expect from a dental visit with Dr Michelle

Every dentistry visit includes

  • Obtaining a thorough general and dental history. This is your chance to discuss any concerns; dental or otherwise for example lumps and bumps

  • A health check focusing on any concerns you may have

  • Administration of sedation. This allows your horse to relax and stay still to allow for a thorough dental exam

  • Placement into the porta safe stock (mobile horse crush) where a weight is obtained

  • A thorough internal & external head & oral examination is performed using a high quality light and mirror. This allows the surface of every tooth and soft tissue structure to be examined for abnormalities and imbalances.

  • Any abnormalities or concerns are shown to you, with treatment plan explained

  • If required dental xrays are recommended and can be performed immediately

  • Correction of any pathology or imbalances using modern equipment

  • A detailed dental chart is completed and emailed to you explaining the work performed and any further recommendations.

  • Complementary sheath clean for geldings

  • Administration of tetanus and strangles vaccine at a discounted rate